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WLL Baseball Division Descriptions: 2025
T-ball ages 4-5
T-ball is for both boys and girls ages 4-5. This is an instructional league. Scores and standings are not kept. There are no outs. Games are no more than 3 innings or 1 hour, whichever comes first. The first 30 minutes is spent practicing, but the two coaches can start the game at their discretion. Each team bats the entire lineup every inning. Batters are not allowed to advance beyond first base regardless of the hit. The last batter in each inning is allowed to hit a "home run", meaning he or she can run around the bases, regardless of the hit. All players bat and play the field every inning. Players should play in position as best as possible. Coaches are permitted to be on the field with the players. Parents/Guardians are encouraged to stay with their children at practices and games. Games are played at the Windham Christian Academy back fields
Coach Pitch Baseball (Ages 5-7)
Coach pitch baseball is for players ages 5-7. This is an instructional league. Scores and standings are not kept. Games are 3 innings or 1 hour 30 minutes, whichever comes first. The structure is the same as T-Ball except thatCoaches are permitted to be on the field with the players.
Minors Baseball (Ages 7-11)
Minors baseball is for players ages 7-11 This is a competitive league in the spring (games scores and standings are kept). It is an instructional league in the fall. Kid's pitch overhand from the pitching mound. Walks, bunts, and base stealing are allowed. A maximum of 5 runs per 1/2 inning are allowed or 3 outs, whichever comes first. Games are 6 innings or 1 hour 30 minutes, whichever comes first. No more than 2 games per week will be scheduled. In the spring, Minors is broken out into two divisions: AA and AAA. Players must attend try-outs. Coaches draft players. In the fall, teams are assigned randomly.
Majors Baseball (Ages 10-12)
Majors baseball is for players ages 10-12. This is a competitive league in the spring (games scores and standings are kept). It is an instructional league in the fall. Kid's pitch overhand from the pitching mound. Walks, bunts, and base stealing are allowed. Games are 6 innings or 2 hours, whichever comes first. No more than 2 games per week will be scheduled. Games are played at Cicerone Lowell Farm In the spring, players must attend try-outs. Coaches draft players. In the fall, teams are assigned randomly.
WLL Softball Division Descriptions: 2025
Minors: Coach Pitch Division
This division is for 6-8yr old players & meets 2-3 times per week for 60-90 min sessions and works on all skills of the game (throwing, fielding, catching, hitting, base running as well as into to pitching position of Fast-pitch softball) while incorporating some game situations play. Games are coaches pitching to players hitting, ultimately getting to 3 strikes and the batter is out. This division is played w/ 11” soft type ball for many (if not all) drills in practice as well as game situation play. Could play against another town based on the skill level of our group. This division starts after April school vac week and finishes mid-June when the school year ends.
Minors: Player Pitch Division
This division is for players 8-11yr old meets 3-4 times per week for 60-90 min sessions and working on players in game situations as well as practice per week. A 12yr old can play in this division IF players skill set doesn’t match the level of play at Majors level division. Players are pitching to batters and 4 balls a coach could come in to throw to batter to create more activity BUT this will not be the case for the last half of season as 4 balls to a batter is a walk. Pitchers pitch at 35’ distance. Stealing bases takes place (except home) and there is a 4-5 run scored max and offense/defense would switch,
This is played with an 11” hard softball and tries to emulate 9-10yr old all-star rules. Baserunner can steal when the ball crosses home plate. No soft type balls at this level. This division plays against our other Windham teams as well as some other close surrounding towns (Gorham, Westbrook, Falmouth, Gray, etc.) This division would start after April school vacation week and finish at the beginning of June as selected players will be picked for the 9-10yr old all-star team to represent Windham in the district tournament.
Majors Division
This level is a tryout-based level that 9-12 yr old players must attend assessments before the season. An experienced 9yr old could play in majors if their skill set matches the other Majors level players skill set. This group plays games all season long vs other surrounding towns major level teams (could travel as far as Scarborough, Cape Elizabeth and Freeport as well as play other Windham surrounding communities). Games/practices could be any day of the week. Rules are played with 12” hard softball emulating the 11-12 yr old all-star rules. Pitchers pitch at 40’ distance and base runners can steal in pitchers’ releases. Start before April school vacation week and ending mid-June into players that get selected to participate into 11/12 all stars (which runs into July w/ our district tournament schedule). A 12 yr old can be duel rostered in Majors division and Juniors division.
Juniors Division
This level is for 12-15th old players. No tryouts. This division doesn’t start up until middle school season is winding down. Only games vs other towns as we will only have 1 team to represent Windham, and this division is not as large (as many teams) as the major’s division of little league. Players playing Junior Varsity level or first team level at High school can play in this program.
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